The demand for quality Czech products and services is growing not only in Czech Republic, but also abroad. The importance of exports in the Czech economy has been growing ever since the creation of our country. Currently, the share of exports represents up to 1/3 of all products produced in the Czech Republic.
Thanks to the growing importance of exports, the standard of living of employees has increased, which is mainly reflected in the real wage. Wages in the Czech Republic have increased an average of 2.5 times compared to the situation on the labor market 30 years ago. Over time, the Czech Republic has become an important part of the supply-customer chain on a global scale. Of all export destinations, the Czech Republic is developing its export policy the most in Germany, Poland, France and Netherlands. The countries of the European Union account for up to 80% of Czech exports. Together with third countries, the Czech Republic exports products and provides services in 217 countries around the world.
Thanks to export activities, the production of motor vehicles has developed in the Czech Republic over the past 30 years, which reached almost 25% of the total value of exports last year. Other sectors that participate in the export of the Czech Republic are the electrotechnical, chemical, glass, textile and plastic industries.